Week 1 – Kinda


Let me tell you – I understand now why they make you have fluids 24/7 in the hospital even though it is annoying after like 2 hours. I’ve been home for a few days now after my first week of chemo and I am exhausted. There’s a lot more you have to be aware of when you go home from the hospital. You have to learn about counts (ANC), wash your hands 24/7, have your own set of towels in the house and so much more. That in itself is a job.

I went home Thursday evening after receiving chemo on Wednesday & Thursday. I honestly slept through them both so I don’t remember much. I had to go back Friday around noon for a shot to make my counts (ANC) go back up faster. Another painful shot, but worth it to stay healthy. Friday was difficult because I felt weak a lot. I learned I have to go much slower when I do things and ask for help more than I’d like to.

Saturday was a good day! Obviously I slept till noon like I do everyday, but it was a good day. Mom and I got out for a couple of hours and got to try on some wigs. It was a HUGE learning experience, but we found out purple & pink are definitely my colors so I will be rocking those quite a bit 🙂 Also, learned that wigs are tricky to take care of and that I was never meant to be a blonde (sorry friends, mainly Cole). We didn’t buy any from a store, but I bought a light pink one on Amazon! Hopefully, soon we will be able to go look at wigs in a more serious matter but it was nice to have a day to joke around and feel normal.

Prayers – This week will hit more. My counts should begin to get lower any day now which means I will get weaker. I go in Wednesday at 9am to get a quick round of outpatient chemo and then that’s it for the week! Also, pray my counts stay high enough to where I can attend the Ben Rector concert on Saturday with Cole (see you there Benny boy!!!!) because we’ve planned this for awhile.

I’m just learning to take things slow and ask for help a lot because that is the only way to get through each day.

**Important side note – I LOVE visitors, but you must have a flu shot if you wanna hang with me and you must not be sick. So if you’re good on both those things I’d always love to see you!

4 thoughts on “Week 1 – Kinda

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  1. You are brave and strong! Along with a million others, I am praying for you daily. I’ll pray for your counts to stay high this week, so you can feel good and go to your concert. 🙂

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  2. Melissa, I admire your bravery and sense of humor during this tough season. You will make it through this because we serve a BIG God who does BIG things for His children! Sending you prayers and lots of love!

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  3. Melissa I am praying daily for you. You are inspiration to so many! God has you in this trial and will continue to guide you through it! The faith you have, knowing that God is holding you in this, the strength God has given you and the support from family and friends rallying with you will see you through! Cheering you on sweet girl!

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  4. Hi Melissa, Caitlin introduced me to your blog and I have been following your journey, asking the Lord how I could encourage you. Though the more I read, the more I am so blessed by your faith in and love for God. It is so beautiful to see the way your life is glorifying Him in the midst of cancer. I believe your good fight of faith is already touching so many lives and God is faithful and will not fail you as you trust Him. I am praying for healing and total restoration for you and celebrating the amazing work God is doing in what the enemy meant for harm. Bless you, Melissa. You are truly embodying the kind of faith found in Paul, who said “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation… I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Phil 4:11, 13

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